I am a doctoral student in an Applied Psychology Program. I am also an emerging data scientist with advanced statistical programming skills using R
& related languages & environments, as well as programmatic typesetting & web design languages (see “Technical Skills” section).
My research expertise include mixed-methods research, program evaluation, qualitative & quantitative data analysis, & statistical programming. My research focuses on comprehensive intimate partner violence intervention & prevention among marginalized populations, with specific attention to LGBTQ populations.
2016 | M.S., Applied Social & Community Psychology, Portland State University, Portland, OR. |
2013 | B.A., Psychology, Cum Laude, Honors in Psychology, Georgia State University; Atlanta, GA. |
2011 | B.A., English, Cum Laude, Honors in English, Georgia State University; Atlanta, GA. |
Statistical Programming Languages & Environments:
, Python
, Mplus
syntax & macros, Excel
& Visual Basic
Web Design, Programmatic Typesetting, & Report Development:
, Javascript
& jQuery
, Shiny
), Markdown
, , Word
, Powerpoint
, Excel
, Access
, & Outlook
Data visualization, & Graphic Design:
, Inkscape
, Gimp
, Illustrator
, InDesign
, & Dream Weaver
General Programming Language Proficiencies:
, Regular Expressions
, & Git
General Research Team Involvement: Lead responsibilities with conceptualizing and developing relevant literature reviews, provided assistance with focus group facilitation with fellow graduate students, Provide assistance with implementation of study protocols, training of research assistants, and poster/manuscript preparation, and mentored undergraduate research assistants with research and community outreach projects.
Project Coordinator (Apr. 2014 - Present): “National Batterer Intervention Program Standards & Monitoring Survey”
statistical programming language and environmentRQDA
package, and managed the team’s qualitative data analytic process by constructing and managing multiple SQL
databases.“,”Created an interactive web application for disseminating the study’s findings using the Shiny
application.Primary Student Investigator (Jun. 2013 - Dec. 2016): “A Community Engaged Approach to Address Intimate Partner Violence among Sexual Minority Women”
Project Co-Chair (Sept. 2013 - June 2014): “Online Training Module: ‘Creating a Respectful, Inclusive and Safe Campus: Preventing Title IX Harassment and Misconduct’ Student Responses” (Co-Chair: Sylvia Kidder)
Temporary Graduate Student Staff (Aug. 2014 - June 2015)
Primary Student Investigator (Aug. 2011 - Aug. 2013): Deconstructing Hegemonic Masculinity: The Roles of Anti-Femininity, Sexual Dominance, and Subordination to Women in Men’s Perpetration of Sexual Aggression.
syntax for data cleaning and testing statistical models, modified and then implemented the existing PROCESS
macros originally written by Andrew D. Hayes, Ph.D.MPlus
statistical programming language and environment.Undergraduate Research Assistant (June 2012 - June 2013)
Female Offenders Working Group Member (Aug. 2016 - Present)
Prevention Liaison (June 2016 - Present)
Campus Sexual Violence Prevention Workgroup (May 2016)
Advisory Committee Member (June 2014 - Present)
Intern (June 2013 - June 2014)
Coordinating Committee Member (June 2013 - May 2017)
Part-Time Shelter Advocate (June 2012 - June 2013)
Volunteer Crisis Line Advocate (June 2011 - June 2012)
Volunteer Legal Advocate (Sept. 2011 - June 2012)
Graduate Teaching Assistant (Sept. 2013 - June 2014)
Smith, R. M. (in press). Hegemonic masculinity. In The SAGE Encyclopedia of Psychology and Gender. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.
Mankowski, E. S. & Smith, R. M. (2015). Men’s mental health and Masculinities. In H.S. Friedman (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Mental Health, 2nd Edition. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Inc.
Smith, R. M.. Parrott, D. J., Swartout, K. M., & Tharp, A. T. (2015). Deconstructing hegemonic masculinity: The roles of antifemininity, subordination to women, and sexual dominance in men’s perpetration of sexual aggression. Psychology of Men & Masculinity,160 - 169. doi: 10.1037/a0035956
Oregon Attorney General Sexual Assault Task Force, Prevention & Education Subcommittee (2015). Intersections of Oppression and Sexual Violence. Retrievable from: http://oregonsatf.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Intersections-of-Oppression-and-SV-Paper-Final-9.29.15.png
Oregon Attorney General Sexual Assault Task Force, Prevention & Education Subcommittee (2015). Talking Points: Points: A Guiding Document for Media Response and Community Conversations. Document Available Upon Request.
Oregon Attorney General Sexual Assault Task Force, Prevention & Education Subcommittee (2014). A Best Practice: Using Social Media for Sexual Violence Prevention. Retrievable from: http://oregonsatf.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/ORSATF-Using-Social-Media-for-Sexual-Violence-Prevention-FINAL.png
Mankowski, E., Smith, R.M., Sackett, K., Kyler-Yano, J., Kidder, S. (June, 2017). Asking, witnessing, interpreting, and knowing: Contours of male intimate partner violence intervention program policy implementation in the U.S. Presented at the 2017 Biennial Conference for the Society for Community Research and Action; Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Smith, R.M. (May, 2017). A Mixed-Methodological Integration of Grounded Theory Methods and Psychological Measurement using the R Statistical Computing Language and Environment. Presented at the Society for Qualitative Inquiry in Psychology’s 2017 Annual Conference, New York, NY.
Smith, R.M. & Mankowski, E. (November, 2016). An intersectional and community engaged approach to address intimate partner violence among sexual minority women. Presented at the 2016 American Public Health Association’s Annual Meeting, Denver, CO.
Mankowski, E., Smith, R.M., Sackett, K., Kidder, S. (June, 2016). Understanding policy implementation: National survey of domestic violence program standards. Presented at the 12th Annual Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
Mankowski, E. & Smith, R.M. (September, 2015). National survey of batterer intervention program standards and implementation: Preliminary findings. Presented at the monthly Tri-County Batterer Intervention Providers’ Network meeting; Portland, Or.
Smith, R.M. (April, 2015). Simulation as a tool in applied research. Quantitative Analysis Interest Group Weekly Meeting, Portland State University; Portland, OR.
Smith, R.M. & Greenman, Nancy (October, 2013). Roadmap to preventing sexual violence. Presented at the Fall Quarterly Oregon Attorney General’s Sexual Assault Task Force Meeting; Salem, OR.
Smith, R.M. (January & February, 2017). LGBTQ Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence: Prevalence, Characteristics, & Practice Considerations. Presentation and Training Workshops provided for the Partnership Against Domestic Violence; Atlanta, GA.
Smith, R.M. (March, 2017). Mixed Methods Research using R
and SQL
(Part II). Workshop to be provided at the Quantitative Analysis Interest Group Weekly Meeting, Portland State University; Portland, OR.
Smith, R.M. (December, 2016). Mixed Methods Research using R
and SQL
(Part I). Workshop provided at the Quantitative Analysis Interest Group Weekly Meeting, Portland State University; Portland, OR.
Smith, R.M. (October, 2016). Programmatic typesetting: Overview of creating reproducible research reports using R
, Markdown
& LaTeX
. Workshop provided at the Quantitative Analysis Interest Group Weekly Meeting, Portland State University; Portland, OR.
Rohner, C., Smith, R.M., Foster, M. (April, 2016). Elevating Your Campus Sexual Violence Prevention Efforts: Tools and Strategies. Presentation and workshop to be presented on behalf of the Oregon Sexual Assault Task Force’s Campus Sexual Violence Prevention Workgroup at the 2016 Pacific Northwest Higher Education Best Practices Conference on Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response, Portland State University; Portland, OR.
Sackett, K., Smith, R.M., Savage, K., Cummings, C., Tran, T., & Mankowski, E. (October, 2015). Applying strategies for self-care to a social change research team setting: Debriefing groups to address secondary traumatic stress and prevent burnout among researchers. Presented at the Community Research and Action in the West Regional Conference, University of Washington Bothell; Bothell, WA.
Guerrero, N., Smith, R.M., McNaron, H., & Lemmon, P. (April, 2015). Men as Feminist Allies. Sexual Assault Awareness Month Workshop, Portland State University Women’s Resource Center; Portland, OR.
Lemmon, P. & Smith, R.M. (February & May, 2016). Social norms and behavior change. Guest Presentation presented for the Violence Prevention & Advocacy undergraduate course at Portland State University; Portland, OR.
Smith, R.M., (January, 2016). Relationship Violence. Guest presentation for Advanced Social Psychology undergraduate course at Portland State University; Portland, OR.
Smith, R. (June, 2015). Oppressive frameworks within community-based scientific research and social change action: Deconstructing analyses of gendered violence. Round table presented at the 2015 Biennial Conference for the Society for Community Research and Action; Lowell, MA.
Cuevas, A., Kidder, S., Meeker, R., Sackett, K., Shearer, A., Smith, R., Stewart, K., & Zatkin, J. (October, 2014). Getting into the Psychology Graduate Program for You: Tips from Those Who Have Been Through it. Round table presented at the 9th Annual Northwest Ecological Community Psychology Conference, Portland State University Native American Student and Community Center; Portland, OR.
Smith, R.M., Parrott, D.J., Swartout, K.M., & Tharp, A.T. (October, 2013). Deconstructing Hegemonic Masculinity: The Roles of Antifemininity, Subordination to Women, and Sexual Dominance in Men’s Perpetration of Sexual Aggression. Poster presented at the 8th Annual Northwest Ecological Community Psychology Conference, Portland, OR.
Smith, R.M., Vanhook, C.R., Woodard, T., Cook, S.L., Swartout, K.M. (March, 2013). Victim empathy, remorse, and sexual assault perpetration. Poster presented at the 59th Annual Southeastern Psychological Association Conference; Atlanta, GA.
Smith, R.M., Goodnight, B.L., & Cook, S.L. (March, 2013). Is the concept of rape still a grey area? Debates on the definition of rape in an online community. Poster presented at the 7th Annual Georgia State Undergraduate Research Conference, Georgia State University; Atlanta, GA.
Smith, R.M., Vanhook, C.R., Woodard, T., Cook, S.L., & Swartout, K.M. (November, 2012). The roles of victim empathy and remorse in perpetrators‘ perceptions of sexual assault. Poster presented at the 13th Annual Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference, Georgia State University; Atlanta, GA.
Schmidt, M., Lisco, C., & Smith, R.M. (March, 2011). The moderating effect of acceptance of interpersonal violence on the relation between male role norms and aggression toward intimate partners. Poster presented at the 2012 Georgia State University Undergraduate Research Conference, Georgia State University; Atlanta, GA.
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